



I didn't know that I'd practiced latte art for 7 hours today!!!(気づいたら今日だけで7時間もラテアートの練習をしていました!!) Actually, yesterday I took the private lesson that the famous Japanese barista holds in Melbourne, but I didn'…


One of my Japanese friends who has been living here for a year took me to a good cafe in Melbourne.(メルボルンに1年住んでいる日本人のお友達が、オススメのカフェに連れて行ってくれました。) The name of the place is "OPERATOR 25."(「オペレ…


Hi everyone, it's Kudoko who wondered where to stand on the train just after I gave up my seat to a little girl today.(こんにちは、今日電車で小さい子に席を譲ったはいいもののその後どこに立てばいいのか分からなくなったくどこです。) By the w…


I tried the Colombian cafe in Melbourne that one of my friends, she is Colombian, recommended me.(コロンビア人の知り合いが教えてくれたコロンビアンカフェに行ってきました。) "100% Colombian Coffee." When I looked at the menu, the words cau…


I went to Brighton Beach in Melbourne with my family the other day. And then, we also went to another place, Westerfolds Park, to see wild kangaroos!(先日家族と一緒にメルボルンのブライトンビーチへ行ってきました!それから、ウェスターフォー…


Yesterday's class was about latte art.(昨日はラテアートの授業でした。) Our teacher taught us how to get the hang of it.(先生にいろいろとコツを教えてもらいました。) When we make latte art, we have to pay attention to 4 things at the sam…


Barista class started this week!! I'd been waiting for that day to come.(今週から始まりました!待ちに待ったバリスタコースです!) I had lectures on the first day, and yesterday I learned how to make steamed milk by using the espresso mach…


I've stayed in Sydney with my family for 2 days!!(シドニーに行ってきました!) ↓City ↓Opera House ↓Pirate Ship for sightseeing Beautiful city, good food, and good people, so we really liked it!(美しい街並みに美味しい食べ物、そして優しい…


In Australia, when you pay money to someone or something, you can pay quickly and easily.(オーストラリアでは、料金の振込みや支払いなどが、めちゃくちゃ簡単にできます。) When you transfer your money to someone's bank account, you don't hav…


Practicing latte art just with using water is called "mizu-ren" in Japanese.(水だけを使ってラテアートの練習をするのを、「水練」といいます。) A cup and jug. That's all you need.(コップとピッチャー。使うのはこれだけです。) The purpose of…


I'm working at the sushi restaurant, and I always learn something new there.(私はいま寿司レストランで働いているのですが、いつも何かしらの発見があります。) Firstly, I learned about English names of fishes. When I was asked "do you have ee…

カフェ イタリアンコーナー

Hey! It's Kudoko, trying to drink more water because one of my colleagues said she drinks a lot of water to keep her skin beautiful.(こんにちは、お肌がとってもキレイな同僚に、何をしたらそんなにキレイになるのか訊いたところ、とにかく水をた…


Happy New Year !! The first blog of the new year might be a little bit heavy, so you don't have to read it if you're enjoying the new year holidays. Today's topic is about confusing English.(あけましておめでとうございます!新年一発目のブ…